Date : 4 February to 20 February 2022
Events : 109 in 7 sports (15 disciplines)
Where to Watch Free : CBC (Canada), 7plus (Australia)
Watch Online : Try ExpressVPN Get ExpressVPN (Top VPN for Watching Olympics)
Live in USA : Fubo Tv, Sling TV, Hulu TV, Peacock TV, NBC, Locast
Every sports fans are Ready for the Winter Olympics Games which to be starts from the 4th February at Beijing, China. Winter olympics will be a biggest multi sports event of the year so definately everyone are looking to follow this Beijing games 2022. All the 109 in 7 sports (15 disciplines) Events of the Upcoming Beijing Olympics Schedule are already released. You can download free below Winter Olympics Games 2022 Wall chart and keep track of every event of the Beijing Olympics as in the below Wallchart we included All 15 Different sports Start date and Timetable with awesome color style and eye-catchy designs.
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The above Beijing Olympics Wall chart starts from the 2nd February as Curling, Free Style Skiing and Ice Hockey Events are played two days ahead of the opening ceremony. if you check this Beijing Olympics Wall Chart then you can easily find out the Medal Matches, Opening Ceremony, Closing Ceremony dates and More . To download this Winter games wall chart kindly right click on the image below, open the images in new tab and you see the high-resolution images just right click now and save the image on your PC, desktop, laptop, android phone. You can also print out it.
Multi sports events of Winter olympics 2022 at Beijing begin from the 4th February.